Melba’s Musings

Hi there! This is Melba, I am a retired special education teacher with a Bachelor of Arts in History and a Masters of Education in Learning Disabilities. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I love history (history major, yeah) and find it amazing to discover just the right tidbits of history to weave into my romances.

When writing, I find that elements of paranormal often creeps its way into my stories. Romance is the genre I love to read. I love reading all sub-genre of romance. It was a natural process for me to become a romance author.

When I’m not writing, I love to read. Traveling is my favorite thing in the world. Cruising always gets me up and ready to go. I have visited Austria, (loved Vienna), Italy (seeing Venice was a blast), France, Spain, Croatia, Mallorca, Greece, Canada, Mexico, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and Cuba. I’m sure I left out some places. But traveling especially by cruise ship is the greatest.

Feb. 7/2024

Y’all, this website is a work in progress! I am setting it up all by my lonesome! No, I am not a computer programmer. No, I do not know what I’m doing. I’m just wandering around in the darkness searching for the light. That’s what I do when I’m procrastinating instead of writing. Bad Melba, get back to writing!